This Lavish Arrangement Of Roses, Mini Carnations, Stock, Daisy Poms, Button Poms And More Puts Your Special Person At The Heart Of The Celebration Its Art Decostyle Red Vase Flares Gracefully At Top And Bottom To A Lovely Effect, Gorgeous Arrangement Of Roses, Mini Carnations, Stock, Daisy Poms, Button Poms, Statice, Bulpeurum And Salal, Designed By Our Select Florists In A Stunning Red Flared Gathering Vase Measures H, Arrangement Measures Approximately H X D.
This lavish arrangement of roses, mini carnations, stock, daisy poms, button poms and more puts your special person at the heart of the celebration. Its art deco-style red vase flares gracefully at top and bottom to a lovely effect.
Gorgeous arrangement of roses, mini carnations, stock, daisy poms, button poms, statice, bulpeurum and salal
Designed by our select florists in a stunning red flared gathering vase; measures 9"H
Arrangement measures approximately 18"H x 15"D